After you connect to iDCRI, you can complete the following.

Jump menu:  Opening an application  |  Navigating into and out of a folder  |  Closing an application  |  Accessing the DCRI Intranet  |
Accessing DCRI network drives  | Reading Tips  |  Changing the view in iDCRI  |  Changing your password

Opening an application

The application and folder icons on the main page are hyperlinks that require a single click. The list of applications you see here may differ from the screen shot below, based on your functional group affiliation and job role.

A few of the more common applications include:

  • Google Chrome: The preferred browser to access the Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS) web app.
  • Windows Internet Explorer: Needed to access web applications that require this browser—such as InForm and for owners on SharePoint site collections. Also available in this folder:
    • Office 365-Outlook: The web-based version of the Duke/DCRI email system.
    • EPM Time Card: The time card version of Enterprise Project Management (EPM) for employee time tracking.
  • Microsoft Office 2010 (in the Office 2010 folder): Windows versions of Access, Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint, and Word.
  • RightFax: Desktop faxing software.
  • Windows Explorer: Portal to DCRI shared network drives (permission required).

After you click an application icon, a message appears (see right), alerting you that an application is starting up. (With a few applications, a Citrix Metaframe message appears, to update you on the progress of opening the application.)

Please be patient. Depending on a number of factors, it may take a while for Citrix to open a separate window so you can use a Windows version of the application you selected.

Also, there is now a Viewer icon for this application in the Dock. If you open
multiple applications, most of them will be represented by this icon. However, a few
applications (such as Windows Explorer) might create their own separate Viewer icon.
Navigating into and out of a
To open a folder, click the folder icon or its name once. To return to the main page, do not use the browser's Back button. Instead, click Main in the breadcrumb (except in Tree view, see Changing the view in iDCRI).
Closing an application

  1. Save your work.

    Warning: If you have multiple applications open, all (or some of them) will close at the same time. Save your work in all applications.

  2. Click anywhere inside an application's window (not the iDCRI window).

    The menu bar shows Citrix Viewer.

  3. Click Citrix Viewer.

    A drop-down menu appears.

  4. Select Quit Citrix Viewer.

    A dialog window appears.

  5. Click either Log Off or Disconnect. (If you did not save your work in Step 1, click Disconnect.)

    One or more applications close and the corresponding Viewer icon on the Dock disappears.

Opening Internet Explorer to access the DCRI Intranet
  1. Click the Internet Explorer folder.
  2. Click the latest version of Internet Explorer available.

    The DCRI Intranet home page opens by default. You can now access Intranet pages, resources, and internal web applications.

Accessing DCRI network drives

Although you can go to network drives and folders (that you have permission to access), editing files in iDCRI itself is limited: you can only use Windows-based applications available in iDCRI for the editing. For example, editing a text file will be done in Notepad and not TextEdit. To edit a file using a non-iDCRI application, you must copy the file to your local drive to open, edit, and save the file, and then upload it back to the network drive.

Tip: If you need to access and work on a number of files stored on shared network drives, use Cisco AnyConnect instead.

  1. Click Windows Explorer.

    A confirmation message opens (see right), prompting you to determine your level of access to the drive.

    Note: Although you can click the Don't ask me again checkbox so you do not see the message again, we recommend you leave this checkbox cleared (the default setting).

  2. Click either Read Only (rare) or Read & Write (typical).

    A Windows Explorer window opens, containing DCRI network drives and drives on your computer.

  3. Click the drive you want.
  4. Explore the contents of the drive (that you have permission to access).

    Note: The C$ drive is your local computer's own hard drive.

Reading Tips Across the bottom of the Applications box is a hint on how to use iDCRI. To read a different tip, click the Refresh button.
Changing the view in iDCRI The default view of the applications is by Icons. To change this, click the Select view drop-down arrow to select Details, List, Tree, or Groups.
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DCRIconnect User Guide Last updated: March 10, 2016
Provided by Information Technology Training and Documentation at Duke Clinical Research Institute. All rights reserved.